Pairwise Announces World-class Advisory Board as U.S. Launch of First Branded, Gene Edited Produce Approaches

October 26, 2022 Pairwise

Pairwise, a mission-driven, health-focused food and agriculture company that is using gene editing to positively transform what we eat, announced the inaugural five members of its advisory board. The advisory board will provide essential, interdisciplinary expertise as the company launches its first products—varieties of nutrient-dense salad greens expected to hit U.S. supermarket shelves and restaurant tables in 2023 under the name Conscious™ Greens.

Conscious Foods is New Purpose-driven Player in Produce

March 30, 2022 ConsciousTM Foods

ConsciousTM Foods, a purpose-driven brand launched by food+tech company Pairwise, announced its entry into produce at the Future Food-Tech show, offering a taste of its first product ConsciousTM Greens. The introduction of Conscious Foods represents a significant next step in the Pairwise mission to build a healthier world through better fruits and vegetables using CRISPR and gene editing to grow nutritious, flavorful new varieties.

Pairwise Partners with Universities, USDA and PSI to Study Opportunities for Berry Improvements Through Gene Editing

June 21, 2019 Pairwise

Scientists and researchers will collaborate to identify and characterize the genetic diversity in blackberries, red raspberries and black raspberries as well as multiple wild caneberry species such as salmon and thimble berries. With this information the teams will work to determine how the natural genetic diversity of wild and domesticated varieties can be used to improve breeding outcomes.