FDA Advises Restaurants and Retailers Not to Serve or Sell and Consumers Not to Eat Certain Oysters from Baja California, Mexico Potentially Contaminated with Norovirus
The FDA is advising restaurants and food retailers not to serve or sell and to dispose of and consumers not to eat oysters from Baja California, Mexico from Acuacultura Integral De Baja California SA de CV – MX 4 SS from harvest area Laguna Manuela, B.C., Mexico, harvested on 12/15/2023, 12/16/2023, or 12/23/2023 or Laguna De Guerrero Negro, B.C., Mexico, harvested on 12/15/2023, 12/16/2023, 12/19/2023 or 12/29/2023 and shipped to distributors in California because they may be contaminated with norovirus. …