Sprouts Farmers Market Launches Rescued Organic Produce Program Designed to Reduce Food Waste and Support Farmers

January 26, 2023 Sprouts Farmers Market

Sprouts Farmers Market, one of the largest and fastest growing specialty retailers of fresh, natural, and organic food in the United States, announced today the launch of its Rescued Organics program in all 130 stores in California. Sprouts’ Rescued Organics program reduces food waste and supports local farmers by bringing to market imperfect organic produce that would typically be discarded due to imperfections that do not affect quality.

Campos Borquez and Deardorff Family Farms Unite for Organic Vegetables

December 5, 2022 Deardorff Family Farms

The concept is both simple and meaningful – provide the marketplace with an easy solution to sourcing a consistent supply of organic vegetables directly from farmers committed to social and environmental sustainability.

Awe Sum Organics Launches Fair Trade USA Certified Organic Avocados Year-Round

October 4, 2022 Awe Sum Organics

Awe Sum Organics is excited to offer Organic and Fair Trade certified Organic Avocados from Colombia and Mexico year-round packed in the Awe Sum Organics label.  “All of our Organic Avocado growers and pack houses in Colombia are certified by Fair Trade USA certified, and our Organic Avocado growers and pack houses in Michoacan, Mexico plan to achieve Fair Trade Certification through Fair Trade USA in the coming months.

A Real Living Wage Thanks to Organic Nature & More Avocados

May 31, 2022 Eosta

Phyllis Mugo (40), a single mother of four children, works in the warehouse of Mavuno in Nairobi, where she packs avocados into boxes. She lives in a single-room house with her four children and feels that she is neither prosperous nor poor. Her wage enables her to pay her rent, food bill and school fees, but then there is very little left over. However, since this Spring she has had two new dreams: opening a grocery store and buying a plot of land where she can build her own home. This is because she recently started receiving a real Living Wage.

A New Reason To Eat Organic: A Diverse Microbiome

September 17, 2021 Eosta

An organic apple contains more microscopic biodiversity, which is an essential ingredient for human health. This was revealed by Austrian research conducted in 2019 that compared the micro-biodiversity of conventionally grown and organic apples. Other new research indicates that microbial biodiversity is crucial for good health. And this is why Eosta is supporting a study carried out by Stichting Bac2nature (Bac2nature Foundation) and Maastricht University on the link between cultivation methods, microbial biodiversity and digestion. “Biodiversity is vitality,” according to Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman.