Which Health, Food Segments Are Missing Out on the E-Commerce Boom?
The pandemic has introduced over 22 million new U.S. shoppers to the online channel since March 2020, but growth in online sales hasn’t been equal across categories. …
The pandemic has introduced over 22 million new U.S. shoppers to the online channel since March 2020, but growth in online sales hasn’t been equal across categories. …
Apples continued their dollars up and volume down trajectory and experienced a 1.2 percent growth in dollars compared to the 12 weeks. The pear category was up 13 percent in dollars and 6 percent in volume over the latest 12 weeks. …
One of the clear outcomes of changing consumer behaviors through the months of COVID-19 this year has been a gravity shift to online grocery shopping. Lockdowns drove many shoppers’ heightened demand for the online channel, but they also drove new, first-time online buyers. And those buyers have kept their nascent online habits. …
This month’s Fruit Tracker’s Fast Facts: The Cast video analysis featuring Stemilt’s Roger Pepperl and Brianna Shales reveals that apple volumes and dollars were down year-over-year for a second time. The Nielsen retail scan data ending on November 21 shows volume is down 1.7 percent, indicating this may be an ongoing trend in the data this year. …
As we confront ever-rising COVID-19 cases and physical and financial restraints, this year’s Thanksgiving festivities will look and feel drastically different, depending on location, generation and the financial impact of the pandemic. Yet from online shopping to price hikes, consumers share commonalities in confronting a Thanksgiving unlike any other. …
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