Inaho’s Tomato Harvesting Robot is Being Tested and Received Fees from Dutch Growers

September 4, 2024 inaho Inc.

Inaho Inc. has been undergoing trials of its snack tomato (loose cherry tomato) harvesting robot in the Netherlands.

APHIS Seeks Comment on Draft Pest Risk Assessment for the Importation of Gerbera (Gerbera spp.) Plants for Planting from the Netherlands

September 3, 2021 USDA APHIS

The Government of Netherlands has asked USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to authorize the importation of gerbera (Gerbera spp.) plants for planting into the United States and Territories. APHIS has drafted a pest risk assessment that describes potential pests associated with the commodity.

APHIS Seeks Comment on Draft Pest Risk Assessment for the Importation of Moth Orchid for Planting from the Netherlands

October 29, 2020 USDA APHIS

The government of Netherlands has asked USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to authorize the importation of moth orchid (Phalaenopsis spp.) for planting into the United States and Territories.

FDA Finalizes First Food Safety Equivalence Determination – Resumption of Shellfish Trade with Spain and Netherlands

October 1, 2020 FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Commission (EC), have taken important steps to open the market for the sale of molluscan shellfish, including oysters, clams, mussels and scallops, from both the United States and the European Union to their consumers. Initially, certain firms in Washington and Massachusetts will have access to the EU market.

Tulip Sales Becoming More International and Drawing Larger Public to Tulip Trade Event

February 18, 2019 Tulip Trade Event

From Wednesday to Friday, March 20 – 22, the international tulip sector is gathering again for the Tulip Trade Event. Given the constantly expanding export to new countries, the event is attracting a new group of visitors, as was evident last year.