NatureSweet and Little League Teaming Up to Support Local Leagues and Families

March 27, 2024 NatureSweet

As part of their support, NatureSweet will include the Little League brand on its product packaging and is also launching a campaign this year called “Dugout Delights,” which provides families and local leagues with suggestions on iconic snacks they can add to their lineup this season.

NatureSweet Celebrates Ribbon Cutting of Greenhouse Production Facility in Arizona

February 19, 2024 NatureSweet

NatureSweet, the largest vertically integrated agricultural company in North America and the #1 snacking tomato brand has added another location to their portfolio of greenhouse facilities and has begun planting and growing produce in Bonita, Arizona located in Graham County.

NatureSweet Unveils Another Game-Changing Snack: Sweet & Seedless Mini Peppers Medley

February 2, 2024 NatureSweet

NatureSweet has debuted another convenient product, Constellation Sweet & Seedless Mini Peppers, a colorful, crunchy and delicious medley that is revolutionizing the world of healthy snacks. The flavorful sweet peppers are red, yellow, and orange and consumers are describing them as sweet, light-tasting, the perfect balance of taste and texture, and they are amazed there are no seeds!

NatureSweet Announces All Branded Tomato Products Now Fair Trade Certified, Supporting Commitment to Ethical, Agricultural Labor

October 20, 2023 NatureSweet

NatureSweet, the number one snacking tomato brand and leading greenhouse-grown produce company, is committed to grow 100% of its branded snacking tomato products in accordance with Fair Trade Certified™ standards. All NatureSweet branded tomatoes –– which include Cherubs®, Glorys®, Constellation®, Comets™, Twilights™, and D’Vines™–– are Fair Trade Certified, meeting rigorous safety, environmental protection, and sustainable livelihood standards.

Tomato Tariffs Could Cause American Consumers to Pay 50% More for Fresh Tomatoes

October 13, 2023 Naturesweet

A small group of domestic tomato producers is petitioning the U.S. Department of Commerce to terminate a longstanding trade agreement between the United States and importers of fresh tomatoes from Mexico.