Brands and Retailers Can Play Vital Role in Protecting Stocks of Small Pelagics

Some of MSC’s commercial partners have already switched to source herring from other pelagic fisheries such as North Sea herring, summer-spawning Icelandic herring, Southern Gulf of California thread herring and Chilean jack mackerel which are readily available and supplying important markets.

Rebuilding Plans for Critically Depleted Fish Stocks Could Signal the Beginning of Historic Recovery for Canada’s Oceans

September 24, 2024 Oceana Canada

These plans are the first in a series aimed at bringing back depleted stocks, with new plans for groundfish, herring and salmon expected soon. Two additional stocks were granted short-term extensions and had their rebuilding plans approved in July. If the government continues publishing high-quality rebuilding plans, it could reverse decades of overfishing and mismanagement that have devastated marine ecosystems.

Commercial Closure in Federal Waters for Atlantic Migratory Group Spanish Mackerel Northern Zone

August 1, 2024 NOAA Fisheries

The commercial harvest of the Atlantic migratory group Spanish mackerel (Atlantic Spanish mackerel) northern zone will close at 12:01 a.m., local time, on July 28, 2024, and will re-open on March 1, 2025.

FFAW: Continued Mackerel Closure Hurting Newfoundland Communities

July 17, 2023 FFAW-Unifor

“People are reporting abundances of mackerel along the coast of our province that tells a very different story than that of DFO Science,” says FFAW-Unifor Secretary-Treasurer Jason Spingle.

Atlantic Mackerel Moratorium Extended for 2023 Season

Fisheries and Oceans Canada has extended the closure of Atlantic mackerel commercial and bait fishing in Atlantic Canada and Quebec for the 2023 season.