The Words That Can’t Be Spoken: Who is Buying Product Not in Compliance With Leafy Greens Metrics? Where are the Industry Leaders Stepping Up to Solve This Problem? Tightening Water Metrics is Great — But Not Enough. Eliminating the 1% From Commercial Trade is a Financial and Moral Obligation

The California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement announced they would be tightening metrics related to surface water used for overhead irrigation in response to the food safety issues of 2018. Taylor Farms announced it would only source product from growers who perform on-site treatment of water used in overhead irrigation. These are both very positive steps for the industry and real signs of leadership. But in reading the LGMA release, we couldn’t help but be drawn to the missing 1%. It is obvious that even the 1% of non-compliance is a risk too large for the industry to take.

Leafy Greens Industry Continues to Develop New Industry-wide Metrics for Water

Responding to issues of the past year, the leafy greens industry is continuing to address required water standards, particularly those related to use of surface waters. The LGMA is committed to strengthening its required food safety practices for all certified LGMA members who produce 99% of the leafy greens produced in California.

WP Rawl Faces Collard Greens Shortage Ahead of Holiday Push

December 18, 2018 WP Rawl

WP Rawl, a leading grower, processor and shipper of leafy greens in the U.S. was greatly impacted by various weather related national disasters contributing to a shortage of collard greens for the upcoming holidays.