California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement Launches New Website for Registered Dietitians and Influencers

The California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (LGMA) has launched a new website dedicated to everything you need to know about lettuce and leafy greens. This new website at is an evidence-based resource created specifically for registered dietitians, influencers, professional food writers and consumers.

LGMA: Data Shows Lettuce Farmers are Complying with New Water Requirements

Last year the Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement approved significant changes to improve the safety of water used in farming leafy greens. These updates are now in place throughout the California leafy greens industry and represent a further strengthening of what were already the most stringent measures required of any produce commodity.

The Original Dark Leafy Greens in a Bag, Cut ‘N Clean Greens, Celebrates 25th Anniversary

September 10, 2020 San Miguel Produce

San Miguel Produce, Inc.’s cornerstone brand, Cut ‘N Clean Greens, celebrates 25 years of innovating the dark leafy greens category.

CFIA Implements New Requirement for Importation of Leafy Greens From Arizona, USA

Please be advised that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has implemented a new requirement for imports of leafy greens from Arizona, USA.

FDA to Hold Webinar Discussion on Leafy Greens Action Plan

July 24, 2020 FDA

FDA will provide an overview of the Leafy Greens Action Plan, provide an update on key activities and address external stakeholder engagement activities associated with the plan and how stakeholders can engage in this process.