Salinas Valley: Growers Contend With How to Make Sure Leafy Greens are Safe

“We absolutely recognize that there are millions of servings of these products consumed every single day. And the food is safe — except when it isn’t,” said Trevor Suslow, a food safety expert at UC Davis who recently stepped down as the vice president of produce safety at the Produce Marketing Association.

Leafy Green Traceability Pilots Reveal the Value of Sharing Extended Product Information During a Traceback Investigation

A group of six industry organizations today released a report outlining four months of leafy green traceability pilots with supply chain partners, including growers, distributors and both independent and chain retailers, offering a detailed response to the request by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) for improved traceability in the food system.

USDA-ARS Study Analyzes Foodborne Illness Risk in Leafy Greens with SmartWash Boost Pretreatment

November 10, 2020 SmartWash Solutions

“The fully integrated Boost control system can be added on to any standard wash system. This novel application and chemistry have been used commercially and is available to the fresh cut market today,” said Steven Swarts, director of business development at SmartWash Solutions.

California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement Announces Tim York as New CEO

Tim York was named as the new Chief Executive Officer of the California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (LGMA) during today’s Board of Directors meeting. York will replace Scott Horsfall who is retiring in early 2021.

WP Rawl Hosts Leafy Greens Party Election with Philanthropic Twist

October 19, 2020 WP Rawl

WP Rawl, the premier grower, processor and shipper of leafy greens will host an online “election” for The Leafy Greens Party this Tuesday, October 20th. Maintaining their commitment to educate consumers on eating fresh, wholesome ingredients like leafy greens, the company’s focus is dedicated to providing consumers with the tools to incorporate fresh leafy greens into their everyday lifestyle.