Revol Greens Innovates With Industry-First Plant-Based Nutrient Source and New Certified Organic Greenhouse Lettuce Line

February 18, 2021 Revol Greens

A first in the lettuce industry for both field and greenhouse environments, the newly developed Plant Fed™ organic fertilizer is behind Revol’s newest line extension, which includes USDA Certified Organic Spring Mix, Green & Red Duo, and Romaine Crunch.

FDA Announces New Sampling Plan for Romaine Grown in the Yuma, Arizona Growing Region

February 8, 2021 FDA

FDA plans to to begin collecting samples of romaine lettuce from commercial coolers in February and intends to continue sampling through the end of the romaine harvest season in Yuma.

Pure Green Farms Launches Website this Week

February 5, 2021 Pure Green Farms

Leafy greens are officially growing at the new hydroponic farm in the Midwest. Pure Green Farms are now growing their four lettuce varieties for their inaugural SKUs and are looking forward to their products being in stores starting in March.

Fifth Season Expands To More Than 75 Giant Eagle and Market District Locations In Two States

February 4, 2021 Fifth Season

Four SKUs of Fifth Season’s ultra-fresh, locally grown leafy greens and ready-to-eat salads are available at more than 75 Giant Eagle and Market District locations across the Cleveland, Columbus and Pittsburgh metro areas.

Statement in Response to FDA Final Investigation of 2020 Leafy Greens Related Outbreak

The California Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (LGMA) has been following closely the findings of FDA’s investigation into an outbreak on October 28, 2020 that was potentially associated with our products.