Green Life Farms Building Hydroponic Greenhouse in Lake City, FL

April 5, 2021 Green Life Farms

Following the success of its flagship hydroponic greenhouse in Lake Worth and significant customer demand for its products, Green Life Farms is constructing a 400,000 square foot greenhouse in Lake City. The facility is expected to begin commercial operations in early 2022.

Pure Green Farms Leafy Greens Heading to Stores This Week

March 17, 2021 Pure Green Farms

The official launch of Pure Green Farms has begun as four new leafy green varieties are heading to select Kroger store shelves this week. The greens are grown at one of the most high-tech, sustainable indoor farms in the country. The farm which is located in South Bend, Indiana, uses advanced technology to seed, grow, harvest and pack their greens all hands-free.

GoodLeaf Farms Launches Aggressive Expansion Plans

February 26, 2021 GoodLeaf Farms

With the closure of a successful new funding round, GoodLeaf Farms is embarking on an aggressive growth and expansion plan to build a national network of vertical farms that will bring fresh, delicious, nutritious and locally grown leafy greens to Canadians across the country.

Little Leaf Farms Rraises $90M to Fully Fund East Coast Expansion

February 18, 2021 Little Leaf Farms

This capital is earmarked to build new sites on the East Coast to satisfy growing demand for its beloved baby greens with customers, large retailers, and food service providers.

Revol Greens Innovates With Industry-First Plant-Based Nutrient Source and New Certified Organic Greenhouse Lettuce Line

February 18, 2021 Revol Greens

A first in the lettuce industry for both field and greenhouse environments, the newly developed Plant Fed™ organic fertilizer is behind Revol’s newest line extension, which includes USDA Certified Organic Spring Mix, Green & Red Duo, and Romaine Crunch.