Americans are Drinking Less Milk, but Devouring Butter and Cheese Like Never Before

Even as Americans drink less milk year after year, demand for dairy is growing — mostly in churned and fermented form.

Land O Lakes is Releasing Maple Butter

February 4, 2020 ALEXIS MORILLO, Delish

This new Land O Lakes product is about to take over the breakfast scene: maple butter. MAPLE. BUTTER.

AI Helps Land O’ Lakes Churn Data Into Sales

June 21, 2019 Thor Olavsrud, CIO

Like many businesses, Fortune 500 dairy giant Land O’ Lakes is constantly seeking to optimize its pricing, better target sales, and forecast future demand. For more than a year, data analytics and AI have been key to its efforts.

Land O’ Lakes Switches Digital Agencies

April 10, 2019 Larissa Faw, Media Post

Land O’ Lakes is shifting to a new digital agency, Nina Hale, following a five-month competitive review. Digital incumbent The Martin Agency participated in the review.