Study: Restaurant Industry Adding Robots to Offset Rising Labor Costs

October 1, 2020 Ball State

Your favorite bartender or waitress could soon be replaced by a mechanical counterpart on a future visit to the local pub or restaurant, says a new study from Ball State University.

California Strawberry Commission Releases Videos to Help Protect Workers from COVID-19

The California Strawberry Commission (CSC) is continuing to focus on worker health and safety training amidst the challenging times caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

MST Donation Enhances Expedited Testing Program for Farm Workers

The Grower Shipper Association of Central California (GSA) recently partnered with CVSC to provide expedited test results for farm workers allowing healthy employees to return to their families and jobs more quickly.

Responsible Recruitment Tool Launches For US Fresh Produce Businesses

July 24, 2020 Stronger Together US

the Stronger Together US Responsible Recruitment Program launches an unparalleled online tool to support US fresh produce farm labor contractors, labor recruiters and growers to achieve and be recognized for responsible recruitment.

B.C. Fruit Growers Worried About Lack of Camp Space as Harvest Season Begins

July 6, 2020 CBC News

Fruit growers in B.C.’s Okanagan region are worried they won’t have enough space for workers this summer, as rules and regulations around COVID-19 have changed the way camps work.