Koffee Kup Bakery Closes, Hundreds Out of Work

Koffee Kup Bakery, a Vermont staple in the bread industry for 80 years, has closed its doors and laid off hundreds of workers between its Burlington and Brattleboro locations.

22,000 More H-2B Visas to be Released, in Boost to Maryland Seafood Industry

Federal officials announced Tuesday that they will make 22,000 more temporary worker visas available to meet the needs of seasonal employers, including those in Maryland’s seafood industry.

Introduction to Responsible Recruitment Online Training

April 14, 2021 Stronger Together US

The U.S. fresh produce sector continues to experience the shocks of COVID-19, limited resources, labor shortages, increasing regulation, and other challenges. The ethical and professional recruitment and management of workers has never been more important.

Gov. Larry Hogan Calls For More H-2B Visas as Blue Crab Season Begins in Maryland

Gov. Larry Hogan wants federal officials to make more visas available through a temporary worker program that serves as a key source of employees for Maryland’s seafood industry.

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Eosta Pushes Mangoes and Avocados With Living Wage Premium

April 1, 2021 Eosta

In 2020, organic fruit and vegetable importer Eosta became the first in the world to put a Living Wage product on shop shelves: the Living Wage mango from Zongo Adama in Burkina Faso. Eosta customers