Tofurky Maker Sues Louisiana Over Meat Substitute Labeling Law

October 13, 2020 Brendan Pierson, Reuters

The maker of Tofurky meat substitute products has filed a lawsuit challenging a Louisiana banning food producers from marketing plant-based products with words traditionally associated with meat, like burger or sausage.

FDA Seeks Input on Labeling of Food Made with Cultured Seafood Cells

October 7, 2020 FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is issuing a Request for Information titled “Labeling of Foods Comprised of or Containing Cultured Seafood Cells,” to solicit information and data to help inform the agency and help determine what next steps may be needed to ensure that these foods are labeled properly.

Mexico Approves Advancement of Front-of-Package Warning Signs for Foods and Beverages

The new regulation will require a front-of-pack (FOP) labeling warning system with icons that highlight excessive content of calories, sugars, saturated fats, trans fats or sodium in products, and identifies caffeine- and sweetener-containing products as not recommended for children.

Maine Lobstermen Skeptical of Proposal to Tie ‘Whale-Safe’ Seafood Label to Use of New Fishing Gear

December 19, 2019 FRED BEVER, Maine Public

A movement is emerging among conservation groups to create a “whale-safe” seal of approval for lobster caught with new types of gear designed to protect endangered North Atlantic right whales. But it could be a tough sell in Maine, where some say the iconic fishery is already sustainable.

Judge Blocks Enforcement of Arkansas Law Restricting Labeling of Plant-Based Food

December 18, 2019 Max Brantley, Arkansas Times

Federal Judge Kristine Baker issued a preliminary injunction against enforcement of the 2019 state law aimed at prohibiting the labeling of plant-based foods in any way that suggested they were similar to meat products.