AIB International Asks, Pop Quiz! Do You Know Your Labels?

August 9, 2021 AIB International

The next time you are walking the aisles of the grocery store, ask yourself “Who is responsible for regulating the labeling of these packaged foods?” In the U.S., regulations from multiple agencies apply to most products, but each packaged food has a principal agency responsible for ensuring its proper labeling.

Why That ‘Product of USA’ Label on Meat and Pork is Really Meaningless

Some supermarket shoppers want to support American ranchers when they head to the meat counter, so they look for a label that says “Product of USA.” But here’s the deal: Because of current USDA rules, that label is meaningless.

Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative Applauds Bill to Stop Misleading Non-Dairy Labels

Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, one of the largest dairy co-ops in the country, applauded the reintroduction today of federal legislation that would combat the misleading labeling of imitation dairy products.

Tofurky Maker Loses Appeal to Block Mo. Law Banning the Sale of Vegetarian Products Labeled as ‘Meat’

April 6, 2021 REUTERS LEGAL

The maker of Tofurky meat substitute products has lost an appeal seeking to block a Missouri law making it a crime to misrepresent a plant-based product as a meat product, one of several similar state laws the company is fighting around the country.

Would You Pay More for Milk that has a Redundant Label?

The dairy industry is especially sensitive to consumer demands and in recent years several processors, in particular yogurt makers, have aimed to increase non-GMO dairy product availability and sales, despite a well-established organic dairy industry. This could create multiple instances in which a redundant labeling strategy may be essential to reducing consumer confusion and holding on to a contentious market share for organic producers and processors.