IDFA’s Cary Frye Awarded with the International Dairy Federation Prize of Excellence

Cary Frye, IDFA senior vice president for regulatory affairs, received the International Dairy Federation Prize of Excellence at the IDF World Dairy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey.

IDFA Issues Statement on US-Japan Trade Deal

The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA)—a Washington, D.C. trade association representing all aspects of U.S. dairy from dairy cooperatives producing the milk to dairy processors and marketers to grocery retailers—issued the following statement today from IDFA president Michael Dykes on the U.S.-Japan trade deal:.

Leading Health Experts Recommend Kids Under 5 Drink Only Cow’s Milk and Water

“The experts conclude that cow’s milk—whole, low fat and skim milk—offers a host of essential nutrients that young kids need to be healthy, while recommending parents strictly limit or eliminate all other beverages.”

Survey Says: 86% of US Adults Prefer Dairy Milk and Large Margin Want Increased Milk Offerings in School Meals

A new Morning Consult national tracking poll of 2,200 Americans points to a number of revealing consumer preferences for milk and related beverages.

IDFA Highlights Dairy Industry’s Culture of Safety During OSHA’s Safe and Sound Week

The International Dairy Foods Association is participating in Safe and Sound Week, a nationwide event held each August by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) that recognizes the success of workplace safety and health programs. In 2019, IDFA is highlighting the dairy industry’s year-round culture of safety that keeps nearly 1 million employees safe and healthy on the job.