Canadian Amendments to Fish Import Inspection Fees

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has published amendments to the fish import inspection fees in Part 16 of the CFIA Fees Notice to introduce a single fee for all fish products. This single fee applies to all regulated parties who have a license under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. 

USDA Announces Appointments to the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council

The council is composed of 21 members, including 12 growers (four regional representatives and eight representatives from the top eight highbush blueberry-producing states); four importers; four exporters; and one public member. In addition to each council member, an alternate member is also appointed. Council members and their alternates are appointed to three-year terms and can be reappointed for one additional three-year term.

APHIS Authorizes the Importation of Hass Avocados from Guatemala into the United States

Through careful analysis and thorough research, APHIS has determined that this commodity can be safely imported from Guatemala into the United States with appropriate mitigations.

USDA Seeks Public Comment on the Importation of Orchid Plants for Planting in Approved Growing Media from Germany and the Netherlands into the United States

Based on the findings from the pest risk analysis, APHIS is proposing to allow the importation of orchid plants into the United States under certain conditions.

J. J. Keller Introduces Food Safety Compliance Services for Manufacturers and Importers

Food manufacturing facilities and food importers can now benefit from three new services introduced by J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. to help ensure compliance with the industry’s complex regulations and standards.