Delcambre Shrimper Looses Boat, Livelihood and Dignity as Provider

For every hurricane during the past 40-years Preston Dore has rode out the storms at the Delcambre docks on his shrimp boat. After Katrina, Gustav, Isaac and a host of others, both he and the boat have walked away mostly unscathed. Hurricane Ida was different. The storm has cost him his boat, his livelihood and has stripped away his dignity as a provider for his family.

Louisiana Seafood Leaders Come Together After Hurricane Ida To Pave a Path Forward

“The purpose of this task force is to help the seafood industry recover from this historically damaging storm,” said Harlon Pearce of the Gulf Seafood Foundation.  “Twenty years ago after Hurricane Katrina we formed a similar group.  Our purpose today is to replicate the success we had then.”

Louisiana Oysters Slowly Returning To Restaurants, Markets; Industry Recovery Months Away

September 29, 2021 MARK SCHLEIFSTEIN,

For the first time since the state’s oyster harvest areas were closed as a safety precaution after Hurricane Ida, fresh Louisiana oysters are back on local menus.

Ida’s Wrath Leaves Destruction and Strain on Bayou Crabbing Family

September 28, 2021 Ed Lallo, Gulf Seafood News

With Hurricane Ida’s unrelenting winds clocking more than 170 miles an hour, Shane Luke questioned his decision to stay aboard his 38-foot shrimp boat.   Outside the tiny windows he watched helplessly as the rollup door to the family’s concrete crab processing building flapped in the wind like a piece of paper in front of a fan.  As the mast cracked like wooden matchstick, he took refuge in engine room hoping it would be a final line of defense against Ida’s wrath.

Louisiana’s Struggling Seafood Industry Teetering After Ida

September 24, 2021 JAY REEVES, Associated Press

Louisiana’s oyster farmers, crabbers, shrimpers and anglers are nothing if not adaptable, producing millions of pounds of seafood annually, often in water that was dry land a generation ago. They’ve fought off a devastating oil spill, floods, changing markets and endless hurricanes just to stay in business.