Hass Avocado Board Spotlights Free Industry Access to Successful Love One Today Resource

August 31, 2021 Hass Avocado Board

To equip the industry for success, the Hass Avocado Board (HAB) is launching a Love One Today® page on their website to highlight how partners can confidently  leverage the growing success of the Love One Today® mark and nutrition messages to promote sales.

Avocado Study Reveals New Shopper Segment Driving Bagged Avocado Sales

August 26, 2021 Hass Avocado Board

Bagged avocados are finding their way into the grocery baskets of U.S. avocado shoppers as bags now make up more than a quarter of all avocado purchases. A recent study by the Hass Avocado Board (HAB), available for free download on hassavocadoboard.com/business-support-tools, revealed that purchases of bagged avocados have increased at three times the rate of bulk over a four-year period (2016-2019) as shoppers continued to add bags to their grocery basket.

First Quarter Holidays Break Avocado Sales Records

July 14, 2021 Hass Avocado Board

Sales of Hass avocados kicked off the new year with four-year record highs through first quarter key holidays, including the Big Game, Valentine’s Day, and St. Patrick’s Day.

BOLD Introduces First-Ever Class of Board Leadership Development Program Members

April 30, 2021 Hass Avocado Board

The Hass Avocado Board (HAB), with industry participation, has developed BOLD: The Hass Avocado Industry Board Leadership Development Program. Helping the industry face an increasingly complex marketplace with sophisticated problem-solvers, BOLD is designed to develop emerging leaders who are both motivated and equipped to meet those opportunities and challenges.

Fall and Winter Holidays Drive Higher Avocado Sales

April 26, 2021 The Hass Avocado Board

The Hass Avocado Board’s recently published Q4 holiday retail report indicates that Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve all reached record-high volume and drove a combined 187 million units in retail sales.