Harris Teeter and Titan Farms Donate 1512 Cases of Peaches to 2 North Carolina Food Banks

September 3, 2021 Titan Farms

Titan Farms and Harris Teeter come together in their seventh year to donate peaches to Second Harvest Food Banks in Raleigh and Charlotte (NC). Over the past seven years, Titan Farms and Harris Teeter have continued to donate to the Peaches with a Purpose program. The sum of this year’s donation, equated to 37,800 pounds of peaches and was especially impactful to these communities.

Murray’s Cheese Coming to Select Harris Teeter Stores

Harris Teeter announced on April 14 it is introducing Murray’s Cheese in select stores in North Carolina and South Carolina this year, starting in Greenville.

Harris Teeter Announces Voluntary Recall of Fresh Foods Market Cookies & Crème Cakes Due to Undeclared Hazelnut

March 30, 2021 FDA

Harris Teeter announced the voluntary recall of Fresh Foods Market items due to undeclared hazelnut.

Pear Bureau Northwest Names Harris Teeter 2019 Retailer of the Year

October 21, 2019 Pear Bureau Northwest

“Over the course of the past season, Harris Teeter put forth commendable efforts to build their pear category,” stated PBNW President and CEO Kevin Moffitt.

Harris Teeter and Titan Farms Exceed 200,000 Pounds of Peaches in Their Fifth Year of Donations

August 27, 2019 Titan Farms

Titan Farms and Harris Teeter come together in their fifth year to donate peaches to Second Harvest Food Banks in Winston-Salem and Metrolina/Charlotte (NC). Over the past five years, Titan Farms and Harris Teeter have continued to donate to the Peaches with a Purpose program. This year’s substantial donation tipped the scale to reach a total of 219,000 pounds of peaches donated over the past five years, marking a milestone for the program.