Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya Meets with Gulf Coast Shrimp Industry

Commissioner Alvaro Bedoya of the Federal Trade Commission, along with attorney advisor Max Miller, met with members of the U.S. shrimp industry in Mississippi and Alabama this month to learn about the American shrimp market and hear about misleading marketing practices in the foodservice sector that have undermined the ability to sell domestic, wild-caught shrimp.

Gulf Coast Shrimpers Cling to Legacy Through the Industry’s Choppy Waters

Mississippi’s shrimp fleet has dwindled over the last 20 years, largely due to cheaply imported shrimp that’s forced domestic fishermen to lower their prices. Over the ten years between 1973 and 1983 Mississippi shrimpers averaged $ 4.69 per pound for their catch when adjusted for inflation. By 2007 to 2017, that number dropped nearly 60 percent to less than $ 2 per pound.