Why Countries are Color-Coding Healthy Foods at Grocery Stores

European Union countries and Australia have rolled out front-of-package nutrient profiling. Color-coding or star rankings let shoppers make quick choices about healthy foods.

City of Atlanta Announces $8.1 Million Invest Atlanta Partnership to Build New Grocery Stores

December 23, 2024 WSBTV

To boost options for fresh food in Atlanta’s food deserts, Mayor Andre Dickens announced a new partnership between the City of Atlanta, Invest Atlanta and Savi Provisions to build two new grocery stores.

Dollar Store Entry Affects Rural Grocery Stores More Than Urban

Economists from ERS, North Dakota State University, and the University of Connecticut recently investigated the implications of the growth of dollar stores for more traditional, independent grocery stores using proprietary data from the National Establishment Time Series (NETS) database and the ERS Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) Codes.

Senator George Borrello Introduces Bill to Require Grocery Stores to Automatically Apply Digital Coupons for Senior Citizens and Loyalty Rewards Members

April 16, 2024 The New York State Senate

The legislation states that any grocery store that offers digital coupons must automatically apply the coupons for eligible purchases at the point of sale for senior citizens. The stores would also be required to automatically apply eligible discounts for loyalty or rewards program members.