Wild Alaska Pollock Industry Continues Work to “Make Surimi Sexy Again”

Deliberate storytelling around the real-ness of Surimi Seafood, and embracing the name, which is associated with higher perception, is critical to moving the needle and driving demand around the world, say data experts and industry speakers at the sixth Annual Meeting hosted by the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) today. According to the year-over-year GAPP survey results, amongst attributes that drive intent to purchase, “knowing surimi seafood is made from real fish, Wild Alaska Pollock,” rose by 5 percentage points in importance amongst respondents.

Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers: Putting Yourself in the Shoes of Your Consumer

If we truly want to expand the reach and presence of Wild Alaska Pollock abroad, we have to stop putting our product into the forms we want it in, and instead focus on the product forms that our consumers want it in.

Wild Alaska Pollock Launches in Second Major Sports Venue

New York Islanders fans and concert and event goers at New York’s UBS Arena will now have more healthful and sustainable offerings to satisfy their hunger, as several food venues throughout the arena will now menu Wild Alaska Pollock, the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) announced.

Wild Alaska Pollock to Shine Spotlight on Consumer Behavior and Seafood Perceptions

Consumer insights and market intelligence will be core to the fifth-ever Wild Alaska Pollock Annual Meeting on September 28th, the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) announced today. As it does each year, Ketchum PR will present in-depth consumer insights gathered from surveys designed to measure consumer perception of Wild Alaska Pollock and highlight opportunities for the fish in the future.

GAPP Continues to Seek Proposals for Global Partnership Funding

Companies interested in collaborating with the Wild Alaska Pollock industry to build demand by bringing new products using the sustainable, versatile fish or to raise awareness of its inherent attributes, are still encouraged to submit proposals for matching funds under the Partnership Program by the July 25th deadline, the Association of Genuine Alaska Pollock Producers (GAPP) announced today. Now it its fifth year, GAPP’s Partnership Program has helped the Wild Alaska Pollock industry explore new consumer-centric opportunities for the fish while driving awareness and demand for products made from Wild Alaska Pollock.