First Ever EU Fruit & Vegetable E-Commerce Market Study Shows Promising Signs for the Future of Online Sales

February 4, 2021 Freshfel Europe

Freshfel Europe and the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have published the first ever extensive study on fresh produce e-Commerce with the title “Online Sales of Fruit and Vegetables in Europe”, exploring the structure and regulatory challenges of selling fruit and vegetables online

2020 Freshfel Europe Consumption Monitor Shows Strong Positive Increase In EU Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Consumption

January 12, 2021 Freshfel Europe

This latest and highly anticipated edition of Freshfel Europe’s Consumption Monitor shows that in 2018 daily fresh fruit and vegetable consumption per capita has increased by 4% from 2017 levels to 363.76g per capita per day.

Freshfel Europe Calls For Urgent Need to Ensure Free Movement of Essential Goods to and From the United Kingdom Crucial Christmas Pre-Brexit Period

December 22, 2020 Freshfel Europe

In response to the recent EU-UK border closures Freshfel Europe calls upon the EU27 and UK authorities to ensure free movement of goods to and from the United Kingdom in line with existing EU recommendations and guidelines, particularly regarding the implementation of EU Green Lanes and free movements of essential workers.

Freshfel Europe Urges EU & UK to Conclude Trade Negotiations and Speed Up Dialogue to Minimize Port Congestion Disruption

December 11, 2020 Perishable News

Freshfel Europe is calling for the EU and the UK to make a last joint effort to conclude negotiations on a comprehensive trade agreement before the end of the year.

Freshfel Europe Representative Simona Rubbi Elected Chair Of European Commission CDG On Quality & Promotion

November 6, 2020 Freshfel Europe

Freshfel Europe representative Simona Rubbi (CSO, Italy) was elected Chair of the European Commission Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on Quality and Promotion. Freshfel Europe welcomes the appointment and is committed to driving the CDG agenda during Ms. Rubbi’s one-year chairmanship.