Freshfel Europe Exchange on Sustainable and Reliable Logistics Infrastructure for Fresh Produce

January 25, 2023 Freshfel Europe

Global logistics is expected to turn a corner in 2023 with the increased availability of containers and ships and some easing of the bottlenecks and delays that have been prominent during the past years. For the fresh produce sector however, there is still a need for the optimisation of transport networks. On 18 January, Freshfel Europe organized a webinar on the topic of logistics in Europe and beyond.

The World Citrus Organisation Northern Hemisphere Citrus Forecast Shows Significant Drop in Citrus Production

December 8, 2022 World Citrus Organisation

The World Citrus Organisation (WCO) has released its annual Northern Hemisphere Citrus Forecast for the upcoming citrus season (2022-23). The Forecast, which was presented during the third edition of the Global Citrus Congress on 30 November 2022 online, is based on data from Egypt, Greece, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, and the United States. This year the Forecast shows that citrus production is projected to reach 25,958,275 T, which represents a 13% decrease compared to the previous season.

Freshfel Europe Calls On Global Actors to Introduce International Standards to Facilitate Trade

November 10, 2022 Freshfel Europe

On Tuesday, 8th November, during a meeting in Geneva of a thematic session of the WTO SPS Committee, Freshfel Europe called for the meticulous implementation of the WTO SPS and Trade Facilitation agreements principles.  Freshfel Europe questioned the numerous ongoing SPS barriers faced by European fresh produce exports for market access due to difficulties and burdens in negotiating the opening of new markets.  Too many third countries ignore the basics of the WTO SPS and TFA rules and set out unrealistic requirements, which, combined with a lack of international IPPC standards, prevents trade development.

Freshfel Environmental Footprint Initiative Embarks on Shadow PEFCR For Fruit & Vegetables

November 2, 2022 Freshfel Europe

As part of the work of the Freshfel Environmental Footprint Initiative, Freshfel Europe alongside members is embarking on the development of a shadow Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for fruit and vegetables.

Harmonized EU Legislation Key to Fresh Produce Packaging Sustainability Success

October 31, 2022 Freshfel Europe

Leading fresh produce sustainability experts gathered online on Friday 21 October for Freshfel Europe’s Webinar on ‘National Packaging Legislation’. The webinar brought to light the many difficulties the fresh fruit and vegetable sector is facing in navigating national packaging legislation across the EU as a result of divergent Member State implementation of the Single Use Plastics Directive.