Public Consultation on the Development of the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for Fresh Produce

January 20, 2025 Freshfel Europe

The Technical Secretariat (TS) of the FreshProducePEFCR, which is developing technical rules for calculating the environmental footprint of fruits and vegetables as part of Freshfel´s Environmental Footprint Initiative, would like to invite all sector representatives to provide their feedback on the second draft of the FreshProducePEFCR document.

Freshfel Europe and its Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Interbranch Members Urge for a Strong European Promotion Policy

September 22, 2024 Freshfel Europe

Freshfel Europe and its Fruit and Vegetables Interbranch Organizations are reiterating the crucial role of a well-funded promotion policy and other related instruments to efficiently stimulate fresh produce consumption. In this respect, the European Commission’s decision from last spring to disproportionately decrease the promotion budget line for Multi programmes was a completely incoherent move.

Freshfel Europe Warns of the Impact of Promotion Budget Cuts on EU Fruit and Vegetable Consumption 

July 14, 2024 Freshfel Europe

Freshfel Europe sent a letter to the European Commission warning that the proposed redeployment of existing EU funds away from promotional ‘multi programme’ activities could threaten the competitiveness of EU fruit and vegetables and hinder the progress on promoting the health and environmental assets of fresh produce.

Freshfel Europe Looks Ahead at Climate Change Impacts, Policy Coherence and the Image of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables With The European Parliament and The European Commission

September 22, 2023 Freshfel Europe

Climate change, the impacts of extreme weather on fresh produce, the threat on the functioning of the
Single Market, the unique and positive position of fresh fruits and vegetables in sustainable systems and
how to communicate and showcase this through aligned accountability and reporting standards. These are just a few of the topics that were discussed earlier this week by Freshfel Europe’s board during the two-day gathering in Brussels with policy makers and other stakeholders.

Freshfel Europe’s Annual Event Focuses on Unravelling Misconceptions and Proclaiming the True, Fresh Face of Fruits and Vegetables

May 26, 2023 Freshfel Europe

On 25 May Freshfel Europe held its Annual Event 2023 in Brussels. The event brought together over 100 participants, including experts from the fresh produce sector, European Commission professionals, Members of the European Parliament and representatives from international organisations and associations. The Annual Event Public Conference focused on building a fresh image for fresh fruit and vegetables was preceded by Freshfel Europe’s Annual General Meeting, where the goals and ambitions for the Association in 2023 were set.