FDA Releases FDA Activities for the Safety of Imported Seafood

March 22, 2023 FDA

The FDA released Activities for the Safety of Imported Seafood (PDF).  The report shares the comprehensive approach the FDA is taking to ensure that imported seafood consumed in the U.S. meets food safety requirements and the standards of domestically produced seafood.   

Steritech Develops New Strategic Relationship With Church’s Texas Chicken to Expand Food Safety Initiatives

March 22, 2023 Steritech

Steritech, an industry leader in food safety and operational excellence, announced a new strategic relationship with Church’s Texas Chicken. Steritech will provide additional food safety and operational excellence training and resources for all 872 restaurant locations.

Former FDA Tech-Enabled Traceability Co-Lead Andrew Kennedy and Azzule Co-Founder Matt Regusci Partner with iFoodDS to Launch Strategic Consulting Firm for FSMA 204 Compliance

February 28, 2023 iFoodDS

 iFoodDS, the leading platform provider of connected traceability, quality, and food safety solutions for the fresh food supply chain, today announced the launch of a consulting arm, New Era Partners, to advise firms on achieving operational compliance with the FSMA 204 mandate.

How Food Safety Leadership is Becoming a Brand Differentiator

February 20, 2023 AIB International

With the food and beverage industry more competitive than ever, strong food safety leadership can become a powerful brand differentiator. To successfully transform food safety and food defense practices into value propositions, however , consumer-facing companies must leverage transparency strategically and elevate their food safety practices across the supply chain.

FDA and Stop Foodborne Illness to Co-Host Webinar on Food Safety Culture Learning and Training

January 11, 2023 FDA

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the sixth in the ongoing series of webinars exploring food safety culture will take place on January 25, 2023, from 12:00 to 1:00 pm ET.  The webinar series Collaborating on Culture in the New Era of Smarter Food Safety is in partnership with Stop Foodborne Illness, a non-profit public health organization.