Industry Leaders Call To Expand Produce Safety Research

January 19, 2021 Center for Produce Safety

Calling out the need to expand research to answer produce-specific food safety questions, the Center for Produce Safety (CPS) has launched a new capital fundraising campaign to finance the center’s research program for the next five years. CPS volunteer leaders from across the supply chain are calling on their colleagues to invest generously in their collective future.

Markon Hires New Food Safety Director

January 13, 2021 Markon Cooperative

In her new role, Burr will use her proficiency of field and processing practices, product recall expertise, and sustainability knowledge to enhance Markon’s food safety initiatives.

FDA Partners with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Western Center for Food Safety, and California Agricultural Stakeholders to Enhance Food Safety

November 20, 2020 FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is announcing the launch of a multi-year study to improve food safety through enhanced understanding of the ecology of human pathogens in the environment that may cause foodborne illness outbreaks.

PMA Takes Lead on Updating Industry on Current State of Produce Safety

November 13, 2020 Produce Marketing Association

Produce Marketing Association has announced a pair of virtual meetings to discuss the current state of produce safety in the industry which includes discussion of outbreaks in leafy greens and proposed FDA regulation. The meetings are planned specifically to engage experts to speak candidly about what is working, what is not working, and what the industry and regulatory partners can do to proactively enhance produce safety.

FDA Launches Voluntary Pilot Program to Evaluate Third-Party Food Safety Standards, Meeting Another Milestone in the New Era of Smarter Food Safety

October 26, 2020 FDA

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is launching a voluntary pilot program to evaluate alignment of private third-party food safety audit standards with the food safety requirements in two regulations under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) – the Preventive Controls for Human Food (PC Human Food) and the Produce Safety rules.