Hunger Fighters: NatureSweet Donates More than Three Million Pounds of Produce to Food Banks Across North America in 2024

December 30, 2024 NatureSweet

NatureSweet is proud to announce the donation of 3.5 million pounds of fresh produce to food banks throughout North America in 2024, providing vital support to those in need. The donated tomatoes, cucumbers, and sweet peppers were distributed to food banks in both the United States and Mexico, providing more than 2.9 million meals.

Favor Delivery and Feeding Texas Launch Summer Meals Campaign

June 24, 2024 Favor

Favor Delivery, the only delivery app by and for Texans, announced a giving campaign to donate up to 200,000 meals to Feeding Texas, the state’s largest hunger-relief organization. Now through July 31, Favor will donate the equivalent of 10 meals to Feeding Texas for every delivery completed, giving customers an easy way to help fight summer hunger in Texas every time they use Favor. Feeding Texas consists of a network of 20 local member food banks across the state – with $2.50 equaling the cost of 10 meals for those in need, the total donation could amount to up to $50,000.