New Seafood Forms Aim to Improve Buyer Process

FMI—The Food Industry Association and National Fisheries Institute (NFI) have new resources designed to standardize the seafood buying process and improve efficiency.

Supermarket Industry Rallies For Virtual ‘Day In Washington’ Fly-In

More than 230 supermarket retailers and wholesalers from 143 companies and food industry state association executives from across the nation connected virtually today with members of Congress during the annual “Day in Washington” supermarket industry fly-in.

FMI: What Is Your Meat IQ?

According to the 2021 Power of Meat, one of the silver linings of the pandemic has been extra time—extra time to study, extra time to experiment and extra time to perfect skills. And it seems lots of people have been pouring that extra time into enhancing their meat cooking skills.

Grocery Produce Sales Driven by Healthy Living and At-Home Cooking

April 8, 2021 FMI

FMI—The Food Industry Association, today releases the 2021 Power of Produce, which finds produce department sales reached $69.6 billion in 2020—an 11.4% increase.

New FMI Report Finds Grocers Invested $24B to Meet Increased Consumer Demands and Operate Safely Amid Covid-19

March 31, 2021 FMI

One year since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, FMI-The Food Industry Association today released a new report, Receipts from the Pandemic: Grocery Store Investments Amid COVID-19 and the Resulting Economics of an Essential Industry, sharing that the food retail industry invested $24 billion in response to the dramatic changes in Americans’ shopping and food consumption habits amid the pandemic.