Atlantic Mackerel Moratorium Extended for 2023 Season

Fisheries and Oceans Canada has extended the closure of Atlantic mackerel commercial and bait fishing in Atlantic Canada and Quebec for the 2023 season.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Continues to Take Cautious Approach to Herring Fishery

February 16, 2023 Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Conservation is the federal government’s first priority in managing Canadian fisheries. In British Columbia, Pacific herring are an important forage species and play a critical role in supporting BC’s rich coastal ecosystem. In order to preserve the abundance of this vital species, the management of Pacific herring will remain precautionary while allowing fishing allocations where possible.

Oceana Canada Supports Standing Committee On Fisheries and Oceans’ Recommendation That Canada Implement Boat-To-Plate Seafood Traceability And Labeling

June 29, 2022 Oceana Canada

Oceana Canada is highly encouraged by the unanimous recommendations in the recent report on seafood traceability released by the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans and calls on the government to adopt the recommendations and set timelines for implementation. Oceana Canada has been calling on the Canadian government to put a boat-to-plate traceability system in place since 2017.

Management Plan Released for Atlantic Herring in Southwest Nova Scotia and the Bay of Fundy

Atlantic herring is a vital species in Atlantic Canada. As one of the largest commercial fisheries in Atlantic Canada, the Southwest Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy herring stock directly or indirectly employs more than 1,000 people in rural Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and contributes over $140 million to the local economy. Atlantic herring is also an important source of bait for other commercial fisheries, such as lobster and snow crab.

Herring Quota Decision Not Enough to Rebuild Fishery

June 27, 2022 Oceans North

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) announced that the quota for the largest herring fishery in Canada would be cut from 35,000 tonnes to 23,450—a 33 per cent reduction that on its own will not be enough to rebuild this severely depleted fishery and ensure long-term economic and environmental benefits. The quota is set for one year.