The Dill of a Lifetime? In a Nation that’s Enduring its Own Sour Patch, the Pickle Dominated 2024

As 2025 begins, two possible conclusions present themselves. First: The previously nobrow pickle has embedded its sour self at the nucleus of the American gastro-zeitgeist for the foreseeable future. Second: This maybe has played itself out, and the pickle has (to mix a metaphor) jumped the shark.

Bubbies Releases World’s First – and Only – Fermented Pickle Chip

August 29, 2024 Bubbies Fine Foods

Bubbies is the unrivaled leader in the refrigerated natural foods category. Their pickles and other fermented foods provide consumers with prebiotics, probiotics, fiber, and other nutrients such as easily digestible free amino acids. Bubbies Kosher Dill Pickle, the “whole” form of this new innovation, is their best-selling item and uses a 140-year-old family recipe.