National Fisheries Institute Statement on FDA’s Proposed Front of Package Nutrition Panel

January 15, 2025 National Fisheries Institute

In the case of seafood, this regulation is essentially pointless and can confuse consumers while adding an unneeded compliance burden to American producers who will need to retool their labels for the massive U.S. market. 

FDA Advises Restaurants and Retailers Not to Serve or Sell and Consumers Not to Eat Certain Oysters from British Columbia Growing Areas

December 30, 2024 FDA

The implicated products include oysters sold as Fanny Bay, Sunseeker, and Cloudy Bay oysters that were originally harvested from BC, Canada growing area. The oysters were shipped to distributors and retailers in Alberta (AB), BC, and Ontario (ON), Canada and in California (CA), USA, and may have been distributed to other states as well.

FDA Ruling Limits Which Foods Can be Labeled ‘Healthy’ on Packaging

December 23, 2024 Erika Edwards, NBC News

Most everything in the grocer’s produce section — whole fruits and vegetables — would qualify under the new rule issued. Other nutrient-rich foods, such as whole grains, dairy, eggs, beans, lentils, seafood, lean meat, nuts and seeds also pass the test as long as they have limited added sugar, salt and saturated fat.

Nutrition Policy Alert: Seafood Automatically Qualifies for the ‘Healthy’ Claim Under FDA’s Final Rule for the Definition of ‘Healthy’

December 23, 2024 Seafood Nutrition Partnership

To qualify for the “healthy” claim a product needs to: Contain a specific Food Group Equivalents (FGE) quantity from one or more food group(s) or subgroup(s), including fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy (fat-free and low-fat), and/or protein foods; and meet set % DV thresholds for the three dietary components of public health concern – sodium, added sugars, and saturated fat.

S&M Shellfish Co. Issues Recall for Oysters Harvested from Canada Due to Norovirus

December 18, 2024 FDA

The implicated products include oysters sold as Fanny Bay, Buckley Bay, and Royal Miyagi oysters that were harvested between 12/1/2024 and 12/9/2024 from BC, Canada growing area(s).