Crown Bakeries Facilities Awarded Energy Star Certified Status by EPA

June 24, 2021 Crown Bakeries

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today that two of Crown Bakeries’ facilities were recognized in a list of only 95 manufacturing plants in the USA as earning ENERGY STAR certification in 2020 for being among the most energy-efficient in their industries.

Proposed Sarasota Fish Farm Permits Stall While EPA Reviews Environmental Effects

A proposed fish farm in federal waters off Sarasota’s coast hit a snag March 24 when a federal appeals board put a hold on the company’s permits.

EPA Announces Flowers Baking Co. of Batesville, Ark., Among 2020 ENERGY STAR Certified Manufacturing Plants

March 26, 2021 EPA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced Flowers Baking Co. in Batesville, Arkansas, is among 95 facilities nationwide to earn ENERGY STAR certification in 2020 for being among the most energy-efficient in their industries.

The Giant Company Joins EPA’s GreenChill Program

January 22, 2021 The GIANT Company​

As part of its sustainable retailer commitment, The GIANT Company today announced it has joined the GreenChill program, a voluntary U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) partnership with food retailers, refrigeration system manufacturers and chemical manufacturers to reduce refrigerant emissions and decrease their environmental impacts.

Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, EPA Announce Memorandum of Understanding

The checkoff-founded Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy announced a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that will open doors for increased collaboration in areas of mutual interest and allow the agency to gain a deeper understanding of and support for U.S. dairy farmers and the broader dairy community’s environmental sustainability efforts.