Men’s Health Again Honors Eggland’s Best Eggs in 2021 Best Foods for Men Awards

April 1, 2021 Eggland's Best

Men’s Health has once again recognized Eggland’s Best (EB) for its superior nutrition, naming EB’s Organic Eggs as the “Best Egg” in the 2021 Best Foods for Men Awards.

Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch Donates Nearly 200,000 Eggs to Chicago Food Banks

March 26, 2021 Iowa Sentinel-Standard

Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch in Saranac is donating nearly 200,000 eggs to Chicago food banks, according to a press release. Herbruck’s is donating 14,400 dozen eggs to the Greater Chicago Food Depository.

Eggland’s Best Launches EB Baby Sweepstakes

March 15, 2021 Eggland's Best Eggs

In celebration of National Nutrition Month in March, Eggland’s Best (EB) is giving families the chance to win a year’s supply of EB eggs through the EB Baby Sweepstakes, setting up babies with good nutrition from the start.

Aldi UK to Ban Plastic Egg Packaging

February 25, 2021 Aldi UK

The supermarket is switching from plastic packaging to pulp trays on its remaining egg lines, meaning all egg packaging in England and Wales will be plastic-free by the end of the year.

Women’s Choice Award Again Names Eggland’s Best as America’s Most Recommended Eggs

February 16, 2021 Eggland's Best Eggs

Each year, the Women’s Choice Award® sets out to help women make informed choices for themselves and their families based on the experiences and recommendations of women across the nation. Now, the leading advocate for female consumers has once again named Eggland’s Best (EB) America’s Most Recommended™ Eggs as well as America’s Most Recommended™ Hard-Cooked Eggs.