Dümmen Orange Adds Midwest Sales Manager to North American Team

March 16, 2022 Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange, the world’s largest breeder and propagator of cut flowers, bulbs, tropical plants, pot plants, bedding plants and perennials, is proud to announce the addition of Tim Clark as the company’s new Midwest sales manager.

Dümmen Orange Unveils New Poinsettia Varieties for 2022

February 22, 2022 Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange, the world’s largest breeder and propagator of cut flowers, bulbs, tropical plants, pot plants, bedding plants and per

Dümmen Orange Adds Retail Project Manager to its Marketing Team

February 15, 2022 Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange, the world’s largest breeder and propagator of cut flowers, bulbs, tropical plants, pot plants, bedding plants and perennials, is proud to announce the addition of Mallory Skrobot as the company’s new retail project manager for marketing in North America.

Quick Plug Hires New Global Managing Director

February 11, 2022 Dümmen Orange

Quick Plug, a division of Dümmen Orange, is proud to announce Brian Kura as the company’s new managing director for its global team. The company is a leading producer of stabilized seeding and cutting media for professional and vertical growth systems.

Special Collaboration on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in the Chrysanthemum Sector

January 10, 2022 Deliflor Chrysanten

Six major propagators in the chrysanthemum sector have joined forces to further reduce the use of chemicals in the production of cuttings in Africa. Since 2017, the unique group of companies comprising Dekker Chrysanten, Deliflor Chrysanten, Dümmen Orange, Floritec, Royal van Zanten and Armada (since 2020) has been collaborating closely on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with the aim of achieving this common goal. Their efforts have already provided the results they needed and a great deal of insight for the future.