Dümmen Orange Takes Appropriate Measures To Continue Supply

May 1, 2020 Dümmen Orange

The world is facing a severe health crisis due to the global spread of COVID-19. Health organizations and governments around the world are dealing with this pandemic in the best way they can. As good citizens, we at Dümmen Orange must follow their direction and support their best efforts to protect against the spread of this virus.

Dümmen Orange Welcomes New Director Business Development to the Executive Committee

Dümmen Orange, the world’s largest breeder and propagator in floriculture, announces that Perry Wismans is appointed as Director Business Development and joins the Dümmen Orange Executive Committee.

Dümmen Orange and Perfect Plants Sign Agreement For Collaboration

February 12, 2020 Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange and Dutch plant & tissue culture producer Perfect Plants, joined forces by signing an agreement granting Dümmen Orange the exclusive sales rights for Perfect Plants’ Spathiphyllum genetics.

Dutch Companies Build App For Ornamental Horticulture

January 31, 2020 Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange and Synobsys help growers around the world with cultivation knowledge.

Dümmen Orange Underlines its Trendsetting Position at IPM 2020

January 9, 2020 Dümmen Orange

Dümmen Orange underlines its trendsetting position in the industry with a new look and feel of the IPM booth. It changes from a wide product range presentation towards showing product highlights in inspirational settings.