Dawn Foods Announces 2019 Sweetest Bakery in Canada Contest

June 18, 2019 Dawn Foods

Bakery manufacturer and ingredient supplier Dawn Foods today announced the kickoff of its second Sweetest Bakery in Canada contest™. With registration already open for interested bakeries, customer voting will open July 1 and run through Sept. 30. Consumers from across the country are invited to cast their vote and help their favourite bakery win the title of Sweetest Bakery in Canada.

The Season of Sweets

December 21, 2018 Dawn Foods

When it comes to baked goods, the holidays are the busiest time of the year. In fact, 73% of Americans are more excited about baking during the holiday season.* But shoppers often prefer to head to the local bakery for ready-to-go holiday treats. So enjoy these enlightening stats about seasonal baked good habits.