Dawn Corporate Giving Program Adds $ 1M to Jackson YMCA Capital Campaign

October 13, 2020 FOX 47 News

The Jackson YMCA announced that the Dawn Foods Corporate Giving Program (formerly the Dawn Foods Foundation) has reallocated $ 1 million in funding to the campaign for a YMCA healthy living campus in downtown Jackson. Dawn Foods was an early major campaign donor with a $ 2 million commitment; $ 1 million toward the campaign and another $ 1 million allocated toward the endowment.

Nestlé Professional and Dawn Foods Announce Long-Term Co-Branding Cooperation in Sweet Bakery in the EMENA Region

October 8, 2020 Nestlé Professional

Nestlé Professional® and Dawn Foods have signed a long-term contract for co-branding cooperation in the EMENA Region (Europe, Middle East & North Africa), partnering in product innovation for a range of sweet bakery products, starting with muffins and cookies.

Dawn Foods Hires Chief Digital Officer

August 13, 2020 Information Week

Looking to update ordering for ecommerce customers, bakery manufacturing and ingredient supplier Dawn Foods decided to hire a chief digital officer to spearhead the process.

Dawn Foods Launches National eCommerce Platform, Streamlining the Ordering Process for Bakers

July 1, 2020 Dawn Foods

Global bakery manufacturer and ingredients supplier Dawn, today unveiled its eCommerce platform for existing retail bakery customers across the United States. The online platform streamlines the ordering process for Dawn customers, making it more convenient, efficient, simple and easy to navigate for all their baking supply needs.

Dawn Foods Announces Winners of #DonutsForGoodEntry Promotion

June 8, 2020 Dawn Foods

Global bakery leader awards $ 50,000 in charitable donations on behalf of deserving bakers across the United States