Festive Flavors from Danone North America Add Holiday Cheer

October 30, 2020 Danone North America

Festive flavors from Danone North America – maker of beloved brands including Horizon® Organic, International Delight®, Light + Fit®, Silk® and So Delicious® Dairy Free, among others – are going to give your coffee, treats and desserts So. Much. Holiday. Cheer.

Horizon Organic Aims to be the First Milk Producer to Remove More Carbon Dioxide Than it Produces

October 8, 2020 KUSA TV

Broomfield-based Horizon Organic has for the past six months been pushing to understand the carbon dioxide emissions across its supply chain — from raising and milking cows to distributing cartons of milk — and find ways to reduce them.

Oikos Triple Zero Challenges Fans to Share Their Grocery Carrying Strength on TikTok With #OikosOneTrip

October 5, 2020 Danone North America

Oikos® Triple Zero, the Official Yogurt of the NFL, has debuted its TikTok channel and launched the #OikosOneTrip challenge to bring the brand’s Stronger Makes Everything Better™ platform to life alongside the start of the NFL season.

Silk Oat Yeah Debuts With National Coffee Day Giveaway

September 24, 2020 Silk / Danone North America

This oatmilk is nut-free, soy-free, dairy-free, gluten-free and highly versatile—so you can enjoy it in a glass, over cereal, in baking, coffee & smoothies. To celebrate 2020 National Coffee Day, Silk is giving 100 fans free oatmilk for the rest of the year, stocking them up with NEW Silk Oat Yeah “The Extra Creamy One” oatmilk!

Wallaby Organic Introduces Walla-Be an Aussie Program to Support Australian-Inspired Restaurants and Chefs Across the U.S. in Response to COVID-19

September 24, 2020 Wallaby Organic

Wallaby Organic, the Australian-inspired premium yogurt from Danone North America, has partnered with four Australian-inspired restaurants across the U.S. to provide financial support with the goal of helping alleviate the costs associated with operating a business during this time.