Dairy Stream Podcast: Dairy Customer of the Future

In the latest episode of the Dairy Stream podcast, COVID-19 has impacted the dairy customer of the future and normalized online grocery shopping, however, dairy continues to be in the cart of customers.

3 Pairing Mistakes to Avoid on National Wine & Cheese Day

National Wine and Cheese Day is tomorrow, so whether gathering at home, or venturing out for a picnic, Wisconsin, the State of Cheese™ wanted to share tips straight from the experts- to help you avoid the most common pairing blunders.

Wisconsin Cheese Wins American Marketing Association Brand Smart Grand Champion Award

The Wisconsin Cheese community comprised of cheese lovers from across the nation, called Cheeselandia, won the Grand Champion Award at the American Marketing Association’s Brand Smart Awards in Chicago last week.

Stand With Wisconsin Dairy Farmers During National Dairy Month

In honor of National Dairy Month, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin is encouraging consumers to stand united with the state’s dairy farmers and find simple ways to show support for an industry that contributes so much to Wisconsin’s culture and identity.

Five Ways to Help Wisconsin Dairy Farmers and Cheesemakers

April 22, 2020 Wisconsin Cheese

With 3% of the nation’s restaurants already permanently shutting their doors and millions of students out of school, the normal markets for dairy are no longer available to farmers. Family farms and local businesses need support more than ever.