Crab for Christmas: California Approves Start Date for Dungeness Season

December 15, 2020 Bay Area News Group

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife late Friday announced that the commercial Dungeness crab fishing season will open Dec. 23.

Dungeness Crab Season Delayed Until Mid-December Due to Low Weight in Meat Quality Tests

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Director Charlton H. Bonham, delayed the northern California commercial Dungeness crab season due to meat quality test results. The delayed area includes Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte counties (Fish and Game Districts 6, 7, 8 and 9).

Golden King Crab Could be an Emerging Fishery at Prince William Sound

Now through the end of November, they will drop pots for golden king crab. That fishery has been closed since 1989 and the last survey on the stock was in 2006. But stakeholders say they are seeing signs of increased abundance.

Feds to Provide Boost to Lobster, Crab, Whelk Projects

May 27, 2020 Associated Press

The federal government is providing more than $ 2 million to several institutions on the East Coast for fishery projects designed to accomplish goals such as expanding the green crab harvest and reducing mortality on the lobster supply chain.

The Seafood Industry’s Empty Net Syndrome Impacting Restaurants

Summer in Louisiana means blue crab season, when local consumers flock to seafood markets for boiled crabs and chefs add crab-centric specials to their menus. It’s when the crab supply peaks and prices are at their most favorable.