Master Judge Erin McDowell Chooses Grand Prize Winners in Cosmic Crisp Culinary Challenge

November 27, 2024 Proprietary Variety Management

During the National Apple Month of October, apple enthusiasts were invited to submit original recipes in the 2024 Cosmic Crisp® Culinary Challenge. And Master Judge, noted baker and author Erin McDowell has chosen the grand prize winners in three categories: Baking, Snacking and Entertaining. With a record number of entries and a wide variety of delicious dishes—choosing winners was a challenge all in itself.

Cosmic Crisp Launches Culinary Challenge In Partnership With Baker & Author Erin McDowell

September 26, 2024 Cosmic Crisp

Cosmic Crisp brand apples proudly announces the launch of its third Culinary Challenge, partnering with renown baker and author Erin McDowell as the Master Judge. From October 1st through the 31st, food enthusiasts can submit their recipes featuring the apple as a star ingredient, on the Cosmic Crisp website.

Cosmic Crisp Apple Sales Soar, Setting New Records

Cosmic Crisp® apples continue to set sales records, driving strong overall growth for the apple category.  Nielsen data released by Proprietary Variety Management (PVM) reveal volume soared by 89% year over year and moved Cosmic Crisp® up to the #7 best-selling apple varieties nationally. For the period, Cosmic Crisp® was one of only two apple varieties in the top 10 generating volume growth.

Superfresh Growers New Crop Apple Season: Abundance and Quality Unite

August 22, 2023 Superfresh Growers

As the new crop apple season dawns upon us, there is cause for
excitement in the apple industry. Washington State, proudly reports a remarkable 29% increase
in its apple crop. This surge in production can be attributed to the favorable spring conditions
that have nurtured a bountiful yield of clean and high-quality fruit.

Cosmic Crisp Announces Grand Prize Winners & Honorable Mentions of its Second Culinary Challenge

Apple enthusiasts across the nation proved to Imagine the Possibilities™ in the kitchen for the second Cosmic Crisp® Culinary Challenge. The brand has announced the grand prize winners in three categories: Baking, Snacking and Entertaining, selected by Lead Judge Dan Koommoo, a 2023 James Beard Top Chef of the Pacific Northwest nominee. And now all Cosmic Crisp® apple fans win the opportunity to recreate these delectable dishes, and get inspired by dozens of others.