Surging Demand Stresses Grocery Delivery and Pickup Systems

April 8, 2020 Denise Power, Forbes

The sudden surge in online grocery orders triggered by the coronavirus pandemic has some retailers’ pickup and home delivery operations stressed to the breaking point.

COVID-19: Analyzing its Impact on US Retail Supply Chain | A Quantzig Case Study

April 8, 2020 Quantzig

A global data analytics and advisory firm, Quantzig, that delivers actionable analytics solutions to resolve complex business problems has announced the completion of its latest success story that sheds light on how the US retail industry can combat the impact of COVID-19 on their supply chain operations.

California Strawberry Commission Issues Open Letter to Our Partners in the Food Supply Chain

During the uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic, the food supply chain has been called upon to create stability for the country. As the largest agricultural employer in the country, California strawberry farms were among the first to implement CDC guidance. Strawberry farms are committed to protecting farm worker health, maintaining farm jobs and harvesting every box for American consumers.

CORONAVIRUS INDUSTRY SURVIVAL GUIDE: Microgreens and Edible Flower Grower Fresh Origins Hunkers Down and Prepares for Future Openings of Restaurants

Mira Slott, Perishable Pundit Investigator and Special Projects Editor, speaks with a grower of specialty produce, almost completely sold through the foodservice channel, to understand how these types of companies can prevail in such unusual circumstances.

No Time to Retire For Tim York, Who Continues to Burn the Midnight Oil While Markon Wrestles With Coronavirus

Suddenly, we now find ourselves in some “Brave New World” discussing the very survival of the foodservice industry as we know it. Mira Slott, Pundit Investigator and Special Projects Editor spoke to Tim about the world of foodservice in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak in 2020.