Toufayan Bakeries Supports Local Communities During Covid-19 Pandemic
Toufayan Bakeries, one of the oldest family run bakeries in the US, is supporting their employees and communities during this challenging time. …
Toufayan Bakeries, one of the oldest family run bakeries in the US, is supporting their employees and communities during this challenging time. …
Local grocers and big chains alike are deploying robots to clean floors, stock shelves and deliver groceries to shoppers during the coronavirus. …
Significant uncertainty surrounds the relative risk of different activities, and conflicting information is prevalent. A team of Finnish researchers set out to address some of these uncertainties by running supercomputer simulations of how pathogens like COVID-19 spread in spaces like grocery stores. …
NCSolutions released new data showing average household grocery spend has fallen since the COVID-19 Extreme Buying peak but still remains elevated at 23% higher than pre-pandemic levels. This marked shift—coupled with a return to a grocery basket mix reminiscent of pre-COVID-19 shopping patterns—indicates consumers have entered a new purchasing stage: Home-Confined Buying. …
D’Arrigo California donated 250,265 lbs.of Andy Boy produce to children, families and elderly challenged by food scarcity due to COVID-19. …
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