New York Produce Show Discussions: Cornell’s Ed McLaughlin Gazes Into Crystal Ball, Sees Smaller Format Stores With Secondary Warehousing, JIT Delivery, Changes In Retail-Buyer Relationships, Just To Name A Few…

One of the advantages of having done a virtual edition of The New York Produce Show and Conference was that we came out of it with an all-star collection of incredible industry insight. Today, we share with the broader Pundit audience a conversation with Ed McLaughlin of Cornell University. Ed is widely recognized as the world’s leading academic authority on the fresh produce industry and the broader food system.

Tomato Could Get Genetic Reboot From Wild Ancestor

December 21, 2020 Cornell University

Thousands of years ago, people in the region now known as South America began domesticating Solanum pimpinellifolium, a weedy plant with small, intensely flavored fruit. Over time, the plant evolved into S. lycopersicum – the modern cultivated tomato.

2020 Christmas Trees: Perfect Picks for Indoor or Outdoor Celebrations

December 1, 2020 Cornell University

For families looking for safe ways to participate in traditional holiday activities, spending time outdoors picking a Christmas tree might just fit the bill. Cornell University experts, Brian Eshenaur and Daniel Weitoish, offer insight on how Christmas tree picking may look different during the pandemic, what tree varieties might work best in your home and how to spruce up your holidays with a live, outdoor tree.

NGA Foundation, Cornell Launch Virtual eLeadership Series

September 3, 2020 National Grocers Association

The NGA Foundation and Cornell University will host Head Start, a five-day virtual leadership development program crafted to address the challenges of leading a retail business through the pandemic, October 19-23, 2020.

United Fresh Offers Fall Cornell Certificate Program

Registration is now open for a new United Fresh-Cornell University External Education / eCornell certificate program Navigating Emerging Issues in the Fresh Produce Industry, a six-part workshop series to be delivered through the United Fresh LIVE! 365 platform, October 26-30, 2020.