CEA Alliance Announces Expanded Board of Directors, New Members

The Controlled Environment Agriculture Alliance (CEA Alliance) has announced new Directors elected to serve on its expanded Board of Directors.

CEA Alliance Urges Collaboration, Government Support at AeroFarms Abu Dhabi Ag Tech Summit

Speaking at the AeroFarms Ag Tech Innovation Summit in Abu Dhabi on Thursday, Controlled Environment Agriculture Alliance Executive Director Tom Stenzel urged global stakeholders to support increased investment and government collaboration to advance CEA production as a cornerstone of future sustainable agriculture.

CEA Alliance Hosts First Washington, DC Fly-In

Members of the Controlled Environment Agriculture Alliance met with more than 25 Congressional, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and State Departments of Agriculture leaders January 24-25 to advance the importance of CEA production in the upcoming 2023 Farm Bill and other legislation.

CEA Alliance Continues to Grow in Membership, Impact

The Controlled Environment Agriculture Alliance (CEA Alliance) welcomed eight new members to the association at its annual membership meeting. 

CEA Food Safety Coalition Expands Focus; Alliance to Unite CEA Growers in New Association

October 27, 2022 CEA Food Safety Coalition

The CEA Food Safety Coalition, founded in 2019 to develop industrywide food safety standards for indoor leafy greens growers, is expanding its mission to serve the broader needs of all controlled environment food growers.