Pantone Color of the Year 2025 Calls for Luxurious, Textural, Abundant Florals: Garden Roses to Explore and Elevate Trends

January 2, 2025 Alexandra Farms

Pantone offers several accompanying color palettes—shades and fragrances that complement and harmonize with the mood set by the primary color of the year.

The 2024 Pantone Color of the Year is one ‘you want to reach out and touch’

December 13, 2023 LISA BOONE, Los Angeles Times

In an interview last week about 2024’s choice color, Laurie Pressman, vice president of Pantone, described the color authority’s pick as a much-needed balm for a country “in need of compassion” and the institute’s global wish “for a more peaceful future.”

Terra Nova Nurseries Shares Its Pantone Plant Pairings for 2021

January 19, 2021 Terra Nova Nurseries

Terra Nova Nurseries has officially released its list of plants for gardeners and growers that coordinate with PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating. This year’s exciting reveal is the first time since 2016 Pantone has released two Colors of the Year, and Terra Nova’s vast catalog of colorful plants offers consumers with a plethora of options for synchronizing their gardens with the new pair of trend colors recently recognized by Pantone.

Pantone Reveals Color of the Year 2021: PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating

December 22, 2020 Pantone

Pantone, the global color authority and provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions for the design community, today announced PANTONE 17-5104 Ultimate Gray and PANTONE 13-0647 Illuminating, as the Pantone® Color of the Year selection for 2021, two independent colors that come together to create an aspirational color pairing, conjoining deeper feelings of thoughtfulness with the optimistic promise of a sunshine filled day.

Pantone Reveals Color of the Year 2020: PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue

December 18, 2019 Pantone

Pantone, provider of professional color language standards and digital solutions, today announced PANTONE 19-4052, Classic Blue, as the Pantone® Color of the Year for 2020; a timeless and enduring hue elegant in its simplicity. Suggestive of the sky at dusk, the reassuring qualities of the thought-provoking PANTONE 19-4052 Classic Blue highlight our desire for a dependable and stable foundation from which to build as we cross the threshold into a new era.